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Interactive Musical Partner (IMP) began as Jeff Albert's dissertation project, that was a part of his PhD in Experimental Music & Digital Media Studies at LSU.
This page hosts an archive of the IMP software, the written dissertation document, and other pertinent information.
The written document is available from the LSU Electronic Thesis and Dissertation database and a copy is also stored here.
Download the IMP package (28 Feb 2013):imp_archive_20130228.zip
Instructions for installation and usage of IMP are in Chapter 6 of the written document.
Interactive Musical Partner: A Demonstration of Musical Personality Settings for Influencing the Behavior of an Interactive Musical Generation System presented at 2nd International Workshop on Musical Metacreation, at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, on October 14, 2013. Download the paper here.
Interactive Musical Partner: A Modular Human/Computer Duo Improvisation System. Poster presented at the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, at Laboratoire de Méchanique et d’Acoustique in Marseille, France. Here is the poster pdf, and the paper.